
Saturday, 2 December 2017

Edit Chrome preferences to get to Ctrl+Tab

I wanted to set Ctrl+Tab as a shortcut in Chrome to jump between the two most recent tabs. There is an extension that lets you do it. It is called "Recent Tabs". For me setting the shortcut to Ctrl-Tab wasn't possible through the UI. Use this instead:

vi Default/Preferences

Problem is that Chrome just overwrites that setting every time. So what I had to do is add this line to my startup shell script

sed -i "s,Ctrl+Q,Ctrl+Tab,g" "$DATA_DIR/Default/Preferences"

Friday, 1 December 2017

Desktop notifications for dwm

I decided to configure desktop notifications for my environment. I ended up choosing dunst

Follow these instructions and join me using dunst!

To send an example notification

notify-send 'Hello world!' 'This is an example notification.' --icon=dialog-information